Company Info

Company Info
    We are a team of forty manufacturing experts in China with a strong network of reputable and trusted manufacturers.

     Our experienced team of English-speaking project managers, engineers and QA specialists acts as our customers' China liaison to manage sourcing projects. We run cost reduction analysis, execute custom manufacturing in China and ship products to USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia.

     Founded in 2003, we have serviced over three hundred business customers. Comparing to many chinese sourcing firms, we are bigger (thus stable, and have less resource constraints) and have strong focus on engineering. Unlike a B2B Website, we have either visited or worked with all of our factories. We don't just consult or broker deals, we are heavy in execution and guarantee quality.

     We pride ourselves for bringing our customers experience, China know-how, and world-class manufacturing quality. We are customer-centric, very process driven, and enthusiastic about China Manufacturing.

     Even with the worldwide economic slowdown in second half of 2008, we are still standing strong and continuously strengthening our operations. Let's work together and begin the exciting venture of sourcing in China. We are a corporate member of the American Chamber of Commerce in China.

TAG: alumiminum extrusion, alumiminum extrusion in China, Chinese alumiminum extrusion factories, alumiminum extrusion suppliers
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